Your opinion on paying for investment advice ?

If they contacted you initially instead of you initiating, run.
If they are free, run.
If they sell you on past performance, run.
If they don't work for a set fee and instead get commissions, run.
If they get any incentives, run. You can ask them this and they are legally required to tell you.

Once you've found what to avoid, half the battle is over and likely will weed out the sharks out to prey on you. The other half of the problem is avoiding the ones not out to intentionally rip you off but are just incompetent.

I'm sure there are good advisors out there, the problem is not that they're all terrible or all out to get you - the problem is finding out if someone is any good.

Maybe someone will put up a detailed how-to guide for finding an advisor by avoiding the major pitfalls. Actually, that would be a great blog post by any of the Aussie blogging sites.

/r/AusFinance Thread