In your opinion, what can/should/will reverse the trend of people leaving golf?

I would be in jeans and a T-shirt.

I dont know. I have some pretty comfy golf attire. I feel even more restricted in jeans. They make some decent clothing out there that is breathable and yet inexpensive. I hear where you are coming from but there are many instances of tradition in life. I could name a bunch but i think youre smart enough to think of a few. Golf is just one of them that I believe shouldnt change in that regard. Clothing, yes. Integrity? Absolutely not.

And you see, its not the clothing necessarily that is the issue. Its the attitude. And with the attitude comes a "not giving a fuck". And what i mean is this. For many years, golf was a gentlemen sport. People dressed up and felt proud about it. They carried themselves in a professional and respectful manner. Sure it was mainly for the higher class but thats not the point. It shouldnt matter what class is playing the game.

So in the recent years they have been trying what you suggest and making it more appealing to the masses and the lower classes. This is fine and all, but one thing ive noticed that drives me crazy is that this class comes with issues.

First of all, like i said its the attitude. You get people now who dont give a shit about the tradition of the game and disregard basic golf etiquette. Getting WAY to drunk, being obnoxiously loud, not repairing ball marks (my PET PEEVE!), not raking bunkers, driving and crashing the golf carts (total lack of respect), and the worst is people hitting into the group ahead. And these are just a few Ive noticed over the years.

So its not the clothing really, its the attitudes. If you have good golf etiquette, respect the game, other golfers and the course, then yeah i agree with shouldnt be about the clothes. But that just isnt the case imo.

More and more people seem to not respect the game like they used to the way i see it. Just watch a weekend tour pro round on TV and you will see what i mean. The spectators are getting more and more obnoxious every year. Ben Hogan would be disgusted. Its just not the same as it used to be. And I miss it. But you have your opinions and i can respect that. I just thought Id shed some light on where us old school guys are coming from.

/r/golf Thread