"Make your own event" Creative Writing

  • Challlenge Event: A Templar's Pursuit.


  • Beowulf Cadmus

Former Knight of the Gryphon Knights of Lionel, Beowulf is a Templar searching for his cursed fianceé, Reis. He met Ramza during his journey and finally accomplished the goal with the heretic's help.

  • Reis Duelar

Beowulf's fianceé, Reis was cursed in his place and turned into a Holy Dragon by Celebrant Bremondt. She fled from the confessor to Gollund, and eventually Beowulf uses the power of Cancer auracite to bring her to human form.


Ramza takes notice of monster in the underground collinery at the Mining Town of Gollund. He is then intercepted by the misterious Templar, Beowulf, who offer his help and claiming that he is after a holy dragon. They find the dragon in the dephts of the collinery, and Ramza finds out the dragon is Reis, Beowulf's fianceé who were cursed.

After bringing Reis back to ger human form, the couple is once again victim of Bremondt's plot to make Reis his. Beowulf, once again aided by Ramza, goes after his beloved. This time the cross blades with his former lieutenant Aliste. After defeating Bremondt in his Dark Dragon form, the couple reunites once and for all.

"Temples? Ah, where people worship the gods. Or perhaps the flat areas bracketing the forehead." - Beowulf. <

"Beowulf! I had thought the joy of your embrace forever lost." - Reis. <

Bonus Battles

Ultimate is against Aliste, a Ninja and a Time Mage.

Ultimate++ is against Celebrant Bredmondt, a Oracle and a Samurai.

Apocalipse+ is against Celebrant Bredmondt (Dark Dragon form).

  • Character Breakout.


Black Magic 5, Knight 5, Combat 4, Spellblade 4, White Magic 3. Uses daggers, swords, rods, bracers, shields, helms, heavy armor, light armor, robes and accesories.

Default Soul Break: Drain (T) - Deals magic damage to a single-target and recovers the character' health based on the damage.

Super Soul Break: Chicken (Relic: Crystal Helm) - Deals six non-elemental magic attacks to all enemies and reduces it's attack, magic, defense, resistence by a moderate amount. Full Breakdown.

Burst Sould Break: Shock! (T) (Relic: Runeblade) - Deals eight lightning/non-elemental magic attacks to a single-target, envelops the user with the power of the lightning and grants Burst Mode and Haste. Attack turns into Templar's Blade, four single-target lightning/non-elemental magical attacks with a chance to affect the enemy with Blind, Poison, Silence, Sleep or Petrify. Deals more damage if the target have Blind, Poison, Silence or Sleep. Defend turns into Syphon, two lightning/none-elemental attacks to all enemies, increases user's magic and reduces defense and regain one ability use.


Monk 5, Black Magic 5, Summon 4, Dragoon 4, Ninja 4. Uses daggers, fists, thrown weapons, bracers, hats, robes.

Default Soul Break: Dragon's Charm - Chance to confuse na enemy.

Super Soul Break: Dragon's Speed (Relic: Reis' Dress) - Deal four fire/ice/lightning magic or physical attacks to all enemies based on highest stat, grants instant-cast 2 to self.

Burst Soul Break: Holy Breath (Relic: Hydrascale Bag) - Dealt six holy/non-elemental physical or magic attacks to all enemies based on highest stat, envelops the user with the power of Light and increase self attack and magic a moderate amount. Attack turns into Dragonkin, four physical or magical holy/non-elemental attacks to a single target, increasing the number of hits with higher attack or magic, damage depends of highest stat. Defend turns into Dragon's Gift, increasing self attack or magic a moderate amount depending of the highest stat, reducing it's defense and removing status effects to self.

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