"Your shape is most desired by men"

It wasn't made to tell you how to shape your body, just what body type you actually have, and how liked it is, stereotypically.

Both are facts, and neither imply that you should offer yourself to men over it.

While perhaps not well thought out, it could've just been an extra flair of a fact to add to spruce it up, which is probably the way most straight women saw it.

Saying that it was programmed specifically to steer women towards building a specific body type for the purposes of offering it to men is a narrative without proof, and would you be angry if it had said "your body type is what most women like" instead? Bc the same argument could be made then.

What I was trying to say was that it's a bit of a making a mountain out of a molehill situation, while your feelings of not enjoying it are valid, it's probably not there just for nor built with the intent to specifically tell a sexist narrative, but just as likely an oversight on inclusivity for what was meant to be a fun, added tidbit.

Point is, we don't know what the backstory there is, but we shouldn't default to the worst case scenario first and foremost, and then feel even worse and personally attacked about it for that assumption, that's only as much, an assumption.

If you were to find out that that was actually, really the intent behind making it, then fuck the creator to the deepest, darkest hole in existence, but until then, don't throw rocks.

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