Your Story

A sense of tremendous achievement

  • Solo Shattered throne

Devastated or heartbroken

  • Just bought forsaken during (Ada's Season)and joined a random LFG with a friend for Queens walk(Without KWTD) for 1k and just joined . We didn't knew back then we need a item called "Ethereal Key" for opening chest . We joined after Riven is defeated ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, we thought they could teach but not a single person in that fire team bother to teach us the encounter, Also we got yelled at so hard for not playing like a pro on our first try, After that to this day we have not even bother to do raids now I find it hilarious every time I think about it :D

Utter domination

  • As a slow internet user with countless "Strict Nat"(it's like a part of me now) messages every time I boot up the game.
  • Teammates and opponents use to teleport, Mostly got farmed still , getting bagged on first comp game after other team won. group of unbroken's on normal matchmaking dominating the game :)

A human connection

  • Was a free player without forsaken.. Me and friend wanted to get whisper but our Light level was 290 and at that time the most grind you could get was 300 as a free player(I think)and the activity was a 380 Light activity, we put up an Lfg some random dude joined our fireteam. The guy was the nicest person blueberry could have and we ended up becoming friends with him even if we didn't have the expansion he would help us on the Heroic mission(lol). He taught us the Whisper mission and got our exotic sniper carrying us one at a time with his clan mate. After we got forsaken we did the same for others who were still new players.

The moment you knew you loved this game!

  • D1 beta really, I use to watch other play the beta and the sense of atmosphere that devs had created had me hooked to love this game and when D2 was free on battlenet for a while I knew what I had to do :D
  • I never owned any console and never played or experienced D1.

    I hope my good English didn't bore you .

Thank you guardian.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread