In your very limited, subjective opinion, is civilization "worth it"?

If you think about it, there is an infinite number of realities you can experience. Like those your brian right now can't even fathom. You can get really lost in your mind. (Especially) the psychedelic community is against "consuming" popular culture like mass crazes of buying iPhones and buying tickets to Starwars etc. and even the grid layout of where we shop, eat, and live. It's all a "song and dance", "mickey rouse routine" (ramm dass), a game people are playing and they don't even know it.

But how many people meet their lover at school or work, and go on to lead amazing lives with them? But those that don't feel trapped in the game. Much of modern civilization is in a cookie cuter, quantified format that takes away the human connection and leaves our true selves lonely with products. But even so, is that really so bad? It's still a connection to each other through the non-connectedness due to the same stuff. Even better, when you do meet someone else you can laugh at "the system" together. Weather you're for or a against it, it provides acommon ground for relationships to form. Because of this, even if it wasn't the same model, I think some form of civilzation is inevitable.

In our civilization, I think it can be very helpful and healing to go buy a movie ticket and see a popular movie. Or go on Facebook. This is because the infinite places our minds can go and realities we can experience, these simple mainstream concepts connects us. Through a "main stream" of consciousness. Although it seems mundane and unconscious, civilization is a vast and intense energy of its own. It's a biased opinion to say it's less important or intense than say a psychedelic trip or any other plane of existence.

I'm just saying, you could wake up one day and just be blasted away by the infinite possibilites of the universe, and something like having a little caesars hot n ready or can help bring you back to earth, or at least give you a frame of reference. I think the best route is to be conscious of the "games" your playing just enough so that you don't get carried away and lost in it like anything else.

/r/tangentiallyspeaking Thread