Your Voice is Gorgeous and Amazing!

This. Exactly. I hold my voice back because it does out me. Add in other insecurities and possible mental health issues and bam, I’m now selectively mute. (AirPods in 100% and zone out.)

But I want to be included in those spaces. the Cis women around here don’t see that. I obviously don’t fit into men’s spaces anymore. But when the hesitation comes out of their voice, I feel like an after thought.

I feel like I’m frozen out of the dating pool around here as well. Even AFAB NB’s don’t want to date trans women. (It’s not just me either, other trans women around here say the same things.)

Hard to have positive thoughts about yourself when others won’t really give you a chance either.

Nothing like opening up your dating app to find a lot of interest. But it’s because they thought I was cis, never mind that they didn’t read my profile.

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