Your wardrobe is outdated. What now? Step 1 - Skinny jeans

The introduction and the conclusion of the post was where I really thought the language skewed negative and a little shamey, since the conclusion especially follows this “don’t be like those other women” theme. I also did say I’m probably overthinking it; language aside the actual descriptions of the trends and how to style them are informative. I just got kind of sad reading some replies from women who seemed to feel nervous that they needed to switch their style to be cool or updated or fun, and that they didn’t like how those trends looked on them and wished stuff that they liked was current.

I also will say I’ve seen this kind of stress reflected in my own mother, and it does break my heart a little when she expresses negative sentiments about not feeling young enough to be cool or pretty or in the know anymore. She is beautiful and cool and interesting to me regardless of what she wears. I really hope that my post has not personally offended people; I’m just trying to say that you shouldn’t change yourself because of an external pressure and not an internal desire.

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