You're 22, single, and work a job that allows you to work remotely from anywhere in the U.S. Where would you live?

I'm asian and I live in Boston and I love it here. There's a lot of queer/poly/otherwise non-traditional lifestyle people here which is nice. My team supports the whole US so my hours are usually 10-6 or 11-7 so I can support the west coast. It's awesome because I am not a morning person. It is however very expensive. You'll have roommates. But $77k at 22 is very doable, I started making $60k and was still saving a lot. The main downside is the weather. I love the snow but a lot of people find it unbearable. The summers are equally brutal.

Can you actually move to Montreal? If it's a US based company there are probably a lot of complicated tax implications involved. Plus you'd need a visa to move to Canada.

/r/financialindependence Thread