You're given the option to drop everything and return to 2010 as yourself at that age, but with the extra 10 years of experience. Do you take it? Why or why not?

The biggest single thing for me was realising that I’m, quite frankly, not as important as I was imagining.

I spent so much time scrutinising every little thing I did and worrying that people would notice and care when I slipped up, but the truth is that generally people DON’T care or even notice unless it’s something major. Imagine one of your friends said or did something a bit stupid - would you really be bothered, or judge them for it? Once you realise that, small things stop being as stressful, and then you learn to manage bigger things. Getting something wrong doesn’t define you, it’s just something that happened and most people won’t have even noticed.

I can now present to hundreds of people at a time because if I mess I up I know that, unless I literally shit myself or cry, the worst that can happened people say “she seemed to be struggling a bit with that one” and move on with their lives. It’s quite freeing

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