"you're the prettiest girl in the family"

I have a cringe-y uncle Randy too. He's not allowed into any of the bars and liquor stores in the town he lives in. And before she moved he was no longer allowed in my mom's house for letting himself in with a spare key he was not supposed to have, and walking into my bedroom while my newborn son and I napping alone in the house to "look for his mail" (the entire town picks up mail at the post office). My mom's dog, who has the loudest fucking bark and barks at everything knows him, so I woke up to my creepy uncle standing over my bed digging through my drawers and my guard dog standing next to him. Up to that point, he wasn't allowed to live there because one of his friends he had over hit my mother and my sister beat him up pretty badly for it, but we allowed him on the property (he and my mom co-owned a house and through witnessing that, I will NEVER own a house with my sibs. They fought so hard over that house and were so ridiculously petty that they sold it for $500 in the end, which is a whole other story that makes me shake in rage, lol) . I don't know what he was looking for in my room, he wasn't looking at my electronics in my dresser drawers he didn't go to my jewelry box, but some power tools went missing from the basement and he got arrested for doing something that involved meth and a vehicle but wasn't driving related. I only saw him one time after that, outside the public library, and he asked if I would go to the liquor store for him in exchange for two dollars. I was walking pushing a stroller in the snow, the nearest liquor store was four blocks back the way I'd come and up hill, and HELL fucking no. The only way I'll see him again is if I go to my mother's funeral (may she live forever).

Uncle Randy just screams creep to me, lol. Thanks for bringing up the memories, haha. I don't think about that time of my life often.

/r/cringepics Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com