Youth allowance and investing in cryptocurrency?

Hi, I'm currently on youth allowance and I use my regular income coupled with my youth allowance to make incremental investments into shares on the market. I declare to all of my Buys and Sells (Mainly just buying to accumulate) and Centrelink have never had a problem with it. They really dont care about what assets you own, their main concern is whats your income per fortnight and as long as it doesn't go over their estimated number. From my knowledge, when you make any money from the sale of the assets you need to record this income into that fortnights pay which means a few times when i liquidated as asset and made profit my per fortnight income exceeded their limit and i was unable to claim youth allowance for that period, the next 2 week period i had no troubles. Im assuming cryptocurrency assets would function in the exact same manor

/r/AusFinance Thread