Youtube reviewer "ACG" has a clear stigma against telltale games.

If you look back at any of his recent reviews of telltale products he completely bashes he content, while expressing a conflicting opinion about wanting to hop back in and play again. If ANY YouTube comment disagrees with him, he responds dismissively and states his reviews "aren't a service." He bashed the latest Gurdians episode which was absolutely fine as a episode and said it's a complete pass... this guy isn't playing the witcher 3 he's playing a telltale series, he should know what to expect. I don't review a baseball game and get upset it misses RPG elements. He's also incredibly inaccurate about some of his statements he suggests the game is a hour long, it's not it's 2 hours, and just uses his platform to bash the title. It's fine to have a opinion and express his own version of it subjectively. However, he does it in a way that's in a attempt to degrade the title and even to the point of spreading false information about it. IGN hasn't been that favorable to Telltale lately but at least they express their reviews subjectively they don't go into the game wanting to hate it and bend their opinion surrounding it. There is literally nothing telltale could do to please him at this point and I highly suggest if you're looking for a review on any telltale games you go elsewhere.

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