Youtuber "Potates" completely plagiarized a post I made on r/Fallout about Fallout 76, and passed it off as his own work. The video is now at 800k views.

He has been cool about the whole situation and I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, and be cool back. Neither he nor I knew just how crazy this situation was going to get. Again, I am asking you from the bottom of my heart, do not lash out at Potates.

Then why he wanted his fan to downvote you? Or deleting all the comments that say nothing wrong. He made more than one mistake, it's cool you want to forgive him but it's not just about you, what if he stole more contents before what if he'll steal more contents later? Stealing another person hardwork shouldn't be handled lightly.

I think if we can know he stole more than your video, his channel should be banned.

/r/gaming Thread