YSK: Being nice and polite to fast food workers will almost always get you the best possible outcome from your visit; being rude and/or Karenish will almost always get you the worst possible outcome.

As much as I hate to admit it you are right, there is no question that if you are trusting and loving and caring more often then not it will end up screwing you in the end. It's a sad fucking state.

But I guess it comes down to what each individual can endure. If your kindness fucks you 9 out of 10 times then is it worth it?

In a lot of ways it's not, mathematically it's not, maybe even logically it's not. No one should be forced to sacrifice their own well being for someone else.

I've been burned a lot, life changing kinds of fucked by putting trust in the wrong person. I've had a lot of privilege in my life that gives me that opportunity that most people don't have where I can make those kind of choices and I don't fault anyone that does not or can not.

The world view my mother gave me has unquestionably hurt me more then it's helped me... but the world view she gave me also makes me ok with that because the 1/10 people that I've actually helped makes the 9/10 that have taken advantage not important.

There is an old adage in law that says it's better to let 10 guilty men go free then imprison 1 innocent man.

Being nice to other nice people is easy, being nice to assholes is hard. Everyone has to decide what they can and can't deal with. Hate is so fucking easy and hating someone that is hateful towards you feels so justified but that only doubles the hate in the world.

I know for a fact that my world view is not practical, but I was raised to not give up. Like my mom said "Doing something good is not about reward or recognition it's just about doing the right thing.". If doing the right thing always gave the best result then everyone would do it, doing the right thing is hard because very often it's not the best thing for your self. I absolutely do not live up to that ideal as much as I wish I did, but I'll be damned if I'm going to give up and stop trying.

The truth is the cynics are right, but I'm not asking everyone to be 100% good that will never happen. But if 9/10 people can be 10% better then we can over come that person that 1 person that is 100% bad. (Number just used as an example I understand that people are more complected then that). Or maybe I'm a naive fool and over estimating the good people but even if that's the case then I still think my world view is right, if only 1/10 people try to be 10% better then that's a fucking start.

If I'm wrong then I was kind for nothing and I'm ok with that, If I'm right then maybe, just maybe I helped push someone else into kindness and they can in turn push another person and in time an endless chain of love and compassion echos throughout humanity.

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