YSK a bizarre but verified sign of suicide risk

When you are depressed, its easy to fall into the mindset that you are a burden on people. Both physically and emotionally. Some people make a rash decision to end their lives suddenly. While on drugs or alcohol for instance. But when someone has been thinking about killing themselves for a while, they flesh out all of the details. And a lot of those details involve how they will hurt other people with their death. So even their death becomes a burden to others in their mind.

When they determine that they truly want to kill themselves, they will do certain things so that the burden is not as extreme in their minds. Giving people things is kind of their way of bargaining. "Joe might be sad that I am dead, but at least I gave him something nice before I did it." That kind of thing. Cleaning their house so that their family doesn't have to come into a dirty house. Lots of things like that. Its all their way of closing things out before they leave.

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