YSK that US ER doctors are only required to provide medical treatment if you are about to die or lose a limb and you will then be sent on your way. Regular doctors do not need to prevent your body from getting to that point.

I have been turned away from an ER before. I was told that if I did not have the money to pay, I had to leave. The doctor never once saw me. I went to another one across town, who thought I was there for drugs. One nurse saw that I was in pain, I had blisters and a rash from hell all over my hands. I had no idea where it came from, she gave me a shot of steroids and a nice doctor wrote me a script for more steroids to take. Since they were not allowed to run any labs or other testing, they took their best-educated guess and figured I had an allergic reaction. That was 6 years ago, still, have the same fucken rash, it was not an allergic reaction and I can not get rid of it. I do not have health-care, doubt I'll ever get it. I did not quality for extra-help under Obama Care and the state I lived in did not expand Medicaid, which I would have qualified for and got had the state did their damn job.

There are hospitals out there that turn people away. It is not right, but they do exist. Even sometimes the hospitals that do not turn people way, still make those seeking help and treatment feel like the scum of the planet. I know I did that day, felt like I had done something wrong. All I wanted was my hands to stop hurting and bleeding. I was afraid of infection and problems from my skin just being jacked all into hell.

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