YSK that screaming at people in your family is not normal in a lot of households, and a starting point for abuse

I live in a household where screaming is pretty much part of my family's daily schedule. And it's usually over the most trivial bullshit too. I also have no way to combat any of it. I just have to endure. What's most infuriating though is how after months of getting screamed and cursed at for no reason, the one time I snap and do some of the screaming and cursing myself everyone acts like I'm this horrible monster. Actually as I'm writing this i realize just how much i hate my family. Like i don't want to spend a single more second with these people. I don't even want to hear their names ever again. And yet I'll probably be stuck having to endure their shit my whole life leaving me with unrepairable damage that will eventually cause me to turn into one of them. Fuck man.

/r/YouShouldKnow Thread