YSK: You want to get your life, disability, and long-term care insurance BEFORE getting your genes tested

And it's been proven time and time again that "anonymous" and "aggregate" data are both able to be manipulated back into identifiable data.

There are only so many people that fit certain traits. They don't need to give your name, they have your literal specific DNA marker that no one else has.

I actually fully believe these companies should have the ability to opt out of them selling your data. All companies should. Technology and money moves too fucking fast, and people lose all right to privacy these days. You think you're doing some cute little test for fun, and the next thing you know people are contacting you about something your grandpappy did in the war. Why is this a thing without opt in/opt out. Why are they keeping, selling, or giving access to your data?

It's wild to me personally. Don't even get me started on insurance companies having access, requesting it, or anything of that nature. Disgusting.

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