I didn't. Not really. I'd give you 4 out of 7. What I was trying to provide is a fact-based dissection of the points you raised. He did have scandals, but enumerating them as you did without any supporting evidence or context isn't helpful. You can read into what I wrote however you want, but if your takeaway was "Trump is better than Obama," you're dead wrong. For every point you raised about Obama, I could find an equal or more substantive Trump scandal (with greater fallout and damage to American interests) and I'd have plenty left over. I imagine you're fresh out of Obama scandals—real ones, anyway.

You're right that Obama was far from perfect. But as modern U.S. presidents go, his administration was actually pretty boring with respect to corruption and excess. Those aren't the only metrics in play, of course. I'm from school of "stop fucking up the world and slaughtering innocent people to advance short-term American interests while ignoring long-term American domestic civic investment." On that front, I give Obama a C. Trump gets an F. Bush would get a Z-.

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