In Zathura (2005) the Zorgon spaceship has victory markings showing how many houses it has destroyed.

But think of all the scientific breakthroughs we could discover! It's totally worth poking, stabbing, dissecting, electrocuting, experimenting on alien artifacts for the chance to get my name recognized in the history books!

I mean it'll be recognized anyway assuming that Humanity somehow survives the Eldritch Abominations that I unleash upon the universe. They'd never forget me!

Also fuck Humanity anyway because I got picked on in school so therefore I should unleash old gods on to mankind cause I'm a sacred defenseless little child inside.

I'll also sacrifice myself at the end of an epic battle for additional future history book points. That or somehow be done in by my own choices causing me to die a horrific death and be forgotten about by everybody!

-random scientist #17 in every scifi movie ever.

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