Zen's Chinese Heritage #6: Niutou Farong

So here sits a zen master. I use the words "here" and "sits" and, hell . . . even the word "I" as mere conveniences b/c hey! Scratching black squiggles into the white is how the game is played here on Reddit (granted I can send black squiggles that link to picture and videos too, but let's play this game with all the accessory bundles neutered for the moment. WORDS ONLY, YA?).


A zen master abiding. Along comes the next master in line. This other is a boob, a wise man, a child, and old man. . .who knows what differentiates this next vessel from all the other vessels the master has come in contact with. HOW TO DIFFERENTIATE THE HOLY FROM THE ORDINARY? No way is the master's reply. But the next vessel is the next vessel for some goddamn reason, yes?

It seems to me that much of my interest in zen is my pride spurring me to try and BE that next vessel. Oh look ma! I defeated /r/zen on reddit and they gave me a t-shirt that say's "ZEN MASTER" on it! Weeeeeee!

What an asshole I am! And not the good kind of asshole, either. At least have some panache and sand, right? Zen doesn't hold back anything. There's no keeping a few bucks in the banana stand for these zen fellows. They light the banana stand (universe, ego, IRA-retirement, parachute saftey) on fire! A trapeze artist who is using no safety net and is not even an artist...just some old fart that jumped up on the wire and is walking it almost in sheer defiance of all the work the others have put in to practicing tight-rope walking. The old man isn't an expert, he's just not fighting internally and therefor moves like a subtle breeze. Everywhere and nowhere. Fey. Touched. Dispersed.

But all this talk is platform building.

"But don’t put up a platform for teaching the dharma / Close your eyes and rest in the house of emptiness."

Oh that sounds so nice, but I'm not ready for that yet. I guess I like hammering nails into wood.

/r/zen Thread