Zerbu has deleted his blog

Aspie present, bonus brain damage affecting my recall plus PTSD from years of abuse, but I can still function normally and make decent judgement in new situations. Presumably for less abusive reasons my mother never taught me a lot about what money was worth or how civics topics and taxes worked. A basic conversation about expenses would be nice, the lady's an accountant after all. I had to steal her bank account password to get any inkling of what the household ran off of.

When the person in question is higher functioning and can process things adequately (like many of us) he or she has the tools to create a relative normal and adapt to the shortcomings they find. I used to be quite socially ignorant as a kid, I just couldn't pick up on social cues. Thankfully in Canada we have very good mental health support for children. Behavioural therapy and trauma therapy, they taught executive thinking and a number of important skills. I learned enough to be like everyone else for the most part.

It's called a spectrum for a reason. We all have our limitations and there are reasons for our brains being the way they are, but a significant portion of us can compensate if given the right tools. I don't tell people I have aspergers (or tourrettes, or PTSD, or ADHD) because I simply don't act like people think I should when they have those labels readily available. I accept that I'm significantly disabled because of my memory issues, but that's invisible to pretty much everyone but me and my family. Like, nobody else is going to realize I couldn't remember anything firsthand about my dog less than 2 months after he died.

I knew another guy with aspergers for a good decade and he did NOT get help growing up. He barely even had a proper diagnosis. He just didn't advance as he aged, he escaped into his video games and Legos, he didn't pay attention to much about his environment and didn't learn much as a result. I had to convince him to go back to highschool instead of just quitting. By the time he was 22 he was so emotionally unstable and ignorant I couldn't handle being around him anymore. We had nothing in common beyond similar mental afflictions. He'd just occupy himself on his computer and forget about me, I'd babysit his siblings, in the end they were the only reason I stayed for a while. I tried hooking him up with a job but he completely blew off the appointment.

/r/thesims Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it