Zero Fucks Friday - 16/3/18 Edition.

I often feel like the fans give more of a shit what the A and B brand are more than WWE does. They just bring it up to get a rise out of people. Raw is the flagship of WWE where they get their most viewers and eye's on their product. But stop acting because of that they don't give a shit about any of their programming.

If you think Vince would let anything go on Smackdown without his approval or scrutiny like he does for Raw, you're out of your mind. Smackdown wasn't the best in 2017. But they have a lot of names on that brand that bring in or have potential to bring in money. New Day, Charlotte, Usos, AJ Styles, Shane, Randy Orton, Auska, Daniel Bryan, Roode and Nakamura

He's not sabotaging the show. He didn't completely rob his own show blind. It simply hit a rough patch like Raw or any other TV show does from time to time.

/r/SquaredCircle Thread