Honest question: how many wrestling shirts do you own that you aren’t self-conscious to wear out in public? There aren’t many designs I’ve seen in recent years that seemingly blend into the crowd. The only shirt I own right now is an Omega shirt with Final Fantasy style font that I bought at an Indy show about 4/5 years ago. I only wear it round the house on days off as I don’t want to explain the two layers of nerd to people out and about.

I ask this mainly cause recently I was out for drinks with work, and a guy from my office showed up wearing one of those Britt Baker “Role model” shirts with a picture of her bleeding on the front, and since then he’s been dubbed “wife beater” by the rest of the staff. People have legit said they don’t want to be left alone with him. Anyone with similar stories?

/r/SquaredCircle Thread