Zero Fucks Friday (3/19/21)

Cody Rhodes (aside from the tag match with Shaq) has been booked horribly for a few months now. Him going over Penta made no sense to me whatsoever, it felt like Cody didn’t want to take a loss. I got the vibes that they’re building up Penta as a singles star, and with his promo last week and subsequent match, I thought it was a given that Penta would get the win. Cody’s got a shoulder injury, baby coming soon (major congrats to him), he’s nowhere near any major program currently, an easy way to build up Penta as a major star would have been to do his signature arm breaker and put out Cody for X amount of time and let him heal while Penta gets built up. Hopefully they keep pushing Penta further but that’s what I felt.

/r/SquaredCircle Thread