Zero Hope. Who Do I Talk To?

I doubt you'll get fat shamed on this subreddit, and if you do, the mods will take it down.

I think your job is awesome and you're awesome for having it, by the way.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with going to see a therapist to learn strategies to make a healthy change that you feel you can't make on your own. Food addiction is wicked because it's not like you can abstain completely from food - it'd be like if an alcoholic had to drink just one drink three times a day. I'm not an expert, but it sounds like if you have just this one major trigger, maybe there's a solution. Let's put this in perspective: some people binge eat every second they are awake and end up with the wall next to their bed being torn down and being transported to the hospital with equipment designed to lift killer whales from the marine park (did anyone else see that on TV?).

/r/loseit Thread