Zero’s Statement

Lol “push people away like you”. Dude you’re smug and rude as hell im sorry. Get off your high horse and stop acting holy it’s ridiculous. Once again never said what he did was fine. But hey because I don’t think watching hentai 5 years ago I’ll be pushed away from a community. Whatever you say dude. If you really wanna say that’s worth bringing up that’s all on you. By the way remember to keep your sexism in check if you wanna act so high.

I was willing to take your comment as seriously caring and not rude and just point out what’s rude sounding. But no you’re purposely sounding like a dick and hiding behind the “I don’t mean to” attitude.

Once again not saying this guys pure I never gave a crap about zero nor have been a fan. The Katie accusation is huge and needs to be found out especially.

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