Zero Tolerance Laws creep into fireworks bill

(Edit: I've decided to consolidate the responses to your *two posts into this one message. Maybe things will be simpler if we just keep it to one thread.)*

That's twice now that you're trying to talk about me instead of fireworks. Tsk!

I love your "make them change their habits" attitude, like you're trying to write being inconsiderate off like its something everyone else should be considerate of.

It's just a realistic attitude. What's more likely to be effective - hoping everyone changes what they're doing, or getting yourself a white noise machine?

People aren't going to stop having raucous Saturday nights just because you're grumpy, or have kids, or are a veteran, or have to get up to work at the Piggly Wiggly on a Sunday morning. What's the point in being sour about it? You know, a "better to light a candle" sort of thing.

I enjoy your comments about Piggly Wiggly. What about firefighters? Police officers? Military members? Nurses? Retail workers? Cooks? Call center employees?

It was just the first place I could think of that'd make anybody get up on a Sunday morning. :) It's an addictive phrase to think of and type once you get started. Piggly Wiggly.

I've never actually been inside one, though. I've only seen the trucks, the ones that say "Follow me to Piggly Wiggly!" Delightful.

Are you trying to say that jobs that don't work M-F aren't important, and thus have to deal with people being loud at all hours of the night?

Hmm. No. Besides, I think we're really only talking about Saturday nights here, right? At least, I am. Making noise on weeknights is pretty universally frowned upon. Even illegal in a lot of places.

But again, it's about majority vs minority. You even used the phrase "nontraditional" yourself. The majority of people (those with "traditional" schedules) don't have anywhere to be Sunday morning, so that's why Saturday night can get crazy. I think you already understand that, though - although you don't seem to have accepted it, which is your prerogative, but that goes back to the whole "light a candle" thing.

Would it be great if we could all exist together without pissing each other off? Sure. It's not going to happen, though, and fretting about it is a waste of time. Just know that nobody's actually trying to offend you specifically, and take measures to solve the situation for yourself, whether that means earplugs, white noise, or moving.

(Another option is to just be sour about your neighborhood and all those noisy hooligans, but that doesn't really solve anything.)

/r/Georgia Thread Parent