Zip code with most Obamacare enrollments votes Republican

You're sitting here complaining about taxes. I'm not going to take any complaint on taxes seriously, because that doesn't mean a goddamned thing. Look at every other bullshit thing in the fucking country that our taxes pay for. Until those are taken care of, I don't give two shits about where yours or my own fucking taxes go because it goes to worse fucking things.

You have to have health insurance as a citizen. You don't have to have a fucking car. That's a null note right there. Also destruction of property resulting from a car accident is directly affecting another citizen, unlike the bullshit taxes that cover health costs. Not the same thing. You can't just compare shit together when it's really not the same at all.

I want health insurance. I really, really do. But this bill is a total assramming. It fucked me. I could have had company insurance, but that went up triple. My wife's had spousal insurance until this bill came in, and the health insurance companies had an excuse to fuck everyone over. This bill is an atrocity. It really was just a great way to fuck everyone over into higher health costs.

You know who benefits? The actual tax parasites. The people who won't work a full time job, or find reasons not to work at all, jump on all sorts of bullshit programs, and have their health insurance premiums subsidized. I work a full time job, and they wouldn't subsidize mine because they say I make too much, which is fucking bogus. If they had done this bill RIGHT they would have instituted regulations on the health insurance companies, and their rates. Instead, they WANTED to let them do whatever they want, since they have stake in it.

An average hospital bill would probably be about $10k, not $100k.

Again, there's a lot more bullshit on our bill that needs to be addressed than health costs. It'd be fucking cheaper if they covered the ENTIRE COST of the fucking insurance than that!

The way I see it is, I don't give a fuck about any other taxpayers because they're all ignorant fucking tools. This bill is fucking my asshole each month, and that's all that fucking matters to me. I don't control where even a fucking penny of my taxes goes, so why the fuck does it matter?

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