Zoos and animal testing

What is the general vegan consensus on zoos?

Most vegans are opposed to zoos. Most, probably. I know I am.

I was always taught that the animals in zoos are basically a proxy and necessity to garner public interest in and awareness of wildlife and environmental issues, thus helping to attract more funding and bring about change.

Was that the zoo that taught you that? And if so, how come there hasn't been any change?

Watching a lion lay in a fake environment doesn't teach anyone anything except that they're above the animals, that the animals exist to be entertainment.

Many zoos also participate in breeding programs to help boost or save endangered species populations.

Wildlife reserves do the same without showing off the animals like they're inanimate objects.

are they helpful in getting some public attention on wildlife issues?

They don't. People go to zoos, watch the animals, and then they go an eat at the zoo's hot-dog stand.

but what about when it comes to medical treatments and health studies? If we don't first test on animals, must we find some humans willing to volunteer to take new drugs with unknown consequences?

Did you aspirin is toxic to cats? Imagine if aspirin failed all the animal trials because it was toxic to whatever non-humans they tested on? It would never get to human trials, and we'd never have the drug. Imagine how much higher the heart attack rate would be without over-the-counter blood thinners.

I wonder how many drugs could have saved so many lives, but didn't because it was toxic to rats and monkeys.

Considering microbiology is so advanced, human cultures can actually be used to test medicines. While this wouldn't give a complete picture, it would give us a better picture of what might happen in human bodies since it's reacting with human cells.

Until we try to force a change, there will never be any alternatives.

Who gets to determine who is volunteered for this?

I would assume the volunteers would volunteer themselves. There are loads of terminal cancer patients ready to try anything. But, because some treatments "fail" animal trials, they never even get the chance.

In short, animal testing slows medical progress because the biologies of all animals are different.

Because I'm really quite annoyed and even angry that this obvious connection wasn't mentioned at all at my school.

Its probably a mix of ignorance and stubbornness. People don't even want to cut back on their showers let alone give up meat.

We know the oil industry is very keen when it comes to obfuscating information and lobbying politicians. The meat industry is certainly just as powerful as the oil industry (maybe more so). I have no doubt that they employ similar tactics.

/r/vegan Thread