115 words Swahili coast african /asian ancestry study 105 words Will French & German have regions as well? 141 words Turkish 23andme results and picture (repost because the original post is deleted) 207 words Silly question maybe, but is this % of Ashkenazi Jewish significant? Do people get tested for Tay sachs, for example at this level? 182 words People here can be very annoying and ignorant about foreign realities 117 words Why do Somalis look so different from other Africans? 204 words How much Sub-Saharan African ancestry do Moroccan-Arabs have? 218 words My 23andMe results vs my AncestryDNA results 178 words What is a white Latino ? 168 words Post your "puntDNAL K12 Modern" Gedmatch calculator results! 144 words How the heck can we buy 100% of a SSA country, but yet have Neanderthal Genes of around 2%? 114 words updated results, with a much more recent pic! compared to my last post here, my percentages now look a LOT more like my ancestry results. my italian jumped a whole 21% from its original percentage too, which is crazy to me! and my filipino now reads as indo/thai. 237 words Identifying incest? 111 words Is 23andme ever going to add Basque as a seperate category and not just a region under Spain and Portugual? 137 words GEDmatch admixture results (Pakistani) 134 words So excited to get these back! Italian born dad (Molise) and Italian-American mom (Sicily and Campania).... do they phase automatically ?! 217 words Boring af white boy results :p Thought I had at least some southern European through my father, since he has a dark tan. Now at least I'm sure that's not the case... 265 words Russian K36 Map 335 words Psa: being full middle eastern or half middle eastern and pale is not shocking 114 words Your opinions are welcomed.