187 words AITA for telling my boyfriend he can’t go on his friend’s bachelor trip? 150 words WIBTA if I didn’t tell my adoptive parents that I intend on looking for my birth family and that I’m in touch with them, if I do get in touch with them? 160 words AITA for telling my boyfriend he can’t go on his friend’s bachelor trip? 221 words AITA for telling my boyfriend he can’t go on his friend’s bachelor trip? 248 words AITA- Proposal Drama 195 words AITA for asking my roommate to leave the room while crying over her breakup with her boyfriend so I could sleep? 160 words AITA - Wife bought new car without consulting me 193 words AITA for not wanting to report a creepy guy and for screaming at my partner after he wouldn’t shut up about said creepy guy? 171 words AITA for choosing to not get treatment and not telling anyone 174 words AITA for going to my sister university? 271 words AITA for ordering nachos even though it “deeply offended and set off” my brother in law’s autism and sensory issues? 252 words AITA for telling my sister she’s a whore? 246 words AITA for telling my parents that if they won’t tell me the truth, I’ll assume the worst of them 230 words AITA for telling my brothers girlfriend her dog is not equal to a human life and to stop talking? 162 words AITA for banning my sister from my house because of her job? 144 words WIBTA for paying to go see micro wrestling event? 310 words AITA for not sending my daughter to a different school district so she could be in gifted education? 169 words AITA for not sending my daughter to a different school district so she could be in gifted education? 247 words WIBTA If I get my bio daughter a binding bra against her adopted parents wishes? 187 words AITA for not sending my daughter to a different school district so she could be in gifted education?