192 words AITA for blowing up at my husband for sharing pics of our daughter's birthday celebration, resulting in my family finding out about it? 205 words AITA I overheard all of my coworkers talking behind my back 200 words AITA for telling my daughter that she's a rude person for not saying "please" or "thank you"? 160 words AITA for screaming at my parents and banning them from any contact with my son after they punished him with no dinner? 131 words AITA for being mad my (26M) gf (27F) sleeps out of doing housework? 147 words AITA for telling a student she was illiterate 152 words AITA for not taking off my shades for my sister’s quinceañera? 163 words AITA for saying neice can't come on vacation if she continues to have "tics"? 144 words AITA for telling my sister she is too heavy and lazy to watch my kid 125 words AITA for telling some nurses on Facebook that I'm glad they suffered during the pandemic? 146 words AITA for being annoyed that my wife allowed my brother to stay at our house? 159 words AITA for making my children do sports with no excuses? 271 words AITA for berating my daughter when she used my card on door dash? 246 words AITA for lying about my education? 204 words AITA for not letting my friend bring her support dog to my wedding? 300 words AITA for not going to my daughters wedding? 282 words AITA for scheduling my text messages and gift reminders? 214 words AITA for not going to my daughters wedding? 213 words AITA for making a pregnant lady wait in the rain? 482 words AITA for not giving a young couple and their baby a ride home in the cold because I didn't know them?