156 words How can I pick between Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering? 124 words How does the strength of a metal vary in tension, compression and shear 256 words Why do ppl say that electric cars don't save the planet? Statistically are they better for the environment or not? 616 words Career Monday (01 Aug 2022): Have a question about your job, office, or pay? Post it here! 153 words How does a raise work with a double promotion? Company might be lumping raises. 174 words I want to put uv light in a/c to stop mold, is that a bad Idea? 132 words After 7 years I am finally getting my bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering at 25. I feel like a failure. 144 words At 29 years old would you go back for BS in Engineering? 157 words Are you a "real" engineer? 132 words Is my compensation fair? 162 words Why so many people transitioning from mechanical to software engineering? 204 words Why generating energy from the gravity side (air column) in a buoyancy chain machine isn’t possible? 351 words Have you ever worked with a genius engineer? 250 words Looking back to your college education, which one class is most relevant to your career today? 284 words When does a automobile company make a rolling prototype? 219 words When in the design process, the monocoque is designed? 473 words Do PhDs in engineering get paid more and have less stress than people who work in the trades? 169 words Looking for advice, thinking of leaving my first job out of college after 7 years. 124 words Choosing a Course at Oxford University 283 words Is it normal to feel completely lost at your first engineering job?