147 words Men, how often do you randomly approach women and how does it normally go for you? 337 words Single straight men do you appreciate it or just disregard it when women give you dating advice? 122 words Does therapy help? Why are women constantly complaining men need therapy? 204 words When did you last shed tears and why? 130 words Men of reddit, how do i deal with my boyfriend who is loving but yells at me ? 316 words What are some words women use to shame men? 133 words What form of advertising draws you in the most, and what do you hate the most? 334 words Why does my (M26) Girlfriend (F24) never pay when on dates with me? 135 words How should pay be justified? What should the minimum wage be and what constitutes a minimum wage job? 147 words Question for white men, do you really feel privileged? And are you bothered by the “white male privilege” assertion that seems to be everywhere? 125 words Question for white men, do you really feel privileged? And are you bothered by the “white male privilege” assertion that seems to be everywhere? 156 words What's the story behind one of your scars? 197 words What was the most awful you’ve seen in your entire life? 283 words Let’s try to normalize a little bit more us Men talking about our feelings, what are you struggling with or what are you happy about? 176 words Attached Men of Reddit, what thoughts/feelings go thru your mind when your girlfriend can't get you off? Seriously 550 words What is your worst “I had no choice” moment? 181 words What would do if you were a bank teller and the bank got held up? 146 words Why won't you ever have a threesome? 159 words What is something that happened while you were a child that had far reaching effect on who you are as an adult? 124 words Why is it socially acceptable to make fun of men who have small genitalia?