117 words at 25, is it normal to question the vocation you’ve been working towards all your life? 321 words Who went to their high school reunion? 457 words How have you dealt with long-term family estrangement? 161 words Would you go out with a woman who rejected you but then changed her mind? 221 words Single guys over 30, what's your monthly budget look like? I'm spending too much money on bullshit. 197 words When have you been discriminated against as a man? 178 words Can we talk about women commenting on genitals in bed and problems cumming? 455 words For those who found your SO after 30, how did it happen? How long have you been together? 413 words Guys who started fresh/started over at 30+ what did you do? 209 words 34 yo. How do I turn my life into one that's worth living? 174 words Is it normal to be attracted to younger females? 210 words Bald or balding men of reddit, do you have any experience with finasteride or rogaine? For those who didn't treat their balding, do you now wish you had? 186 words What do you think of the saying "men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change"? 245 words Men who have experienced depression, how do you want your SO to support you? 212 words Men who have experienced depression, how do you want your SO to support you? 172 words I play Jim Halpert in real life, at work. May I request advice /experience of Senior Jims please? 285 words Do you regret (not) hooking up, being sexually free before settling down? 411 words do you self sabotage? Get scared when you start to develop feeling? 311 words Suicide Not Quite as Abhorrent? 303 words Did anyone get married to fulfill 'old fashioned' gender roles? How did it turn out?