144 words What did you think about Andy Kaufman back then? 120 words How did you feel watching the collapse of the Soviet Union? 137 words Did you ever have to or choose to let a soulmate or the love of yours go only to realize later in life it was a mistake? Do you ever think of him/her now and how your life could have been if you stayed with him or her? 225 words do you regret having or not having kids? 285 words What landed you in the principal's office in high school, and what was your punishment? 268 words We're men in the past actually violent to their wives? 582 words Do you still talk to people from high school and college? Early jobs? 332 words What random interaction with a person do you still remember? 122 words Did anyone find Brooke Shields' popularity in the 80s inappropriate? 211 words Can someone explain why John Wayne was adored by the public back in the day? 145 words When in your life did you feel the most disappointed? 280 words What are some life hacks that you clearly benefited from? 141 words If you are an American, what would you say is the biggest issue at the polls today? 159 words What moments in life do you think people take for granted? 148 words What are your thoughts on people who kill themselves? 177 words Did anyone work in a now obsolete field? How did that job fade out? 140 words Does the honeymoon phase ever last? 158 words The younger generation seem to think that parents should be friends with their children…do you think this is correct? 188 words Do you think your youth was well spent? If so, how? If not, why? 276 words Those who have been married 3+ times, what was each time like? Did you ever expect this?