136 words What’s a story of when you laughed at an inappropriate time? 104 words What was the “incident” at your highschool? 382 words What is the most disgusting thing you have ever seen, touched, tasted or smelled? 168 words [Serious] How do you live the "now" and stop worrying about the future? How do you deal with such anxiety? 124 words Redditors who spent a long time in prison, what changes in society did you struggle to adapt to? 503 words What's the wildest dream you're ever had? 178 words What do blind people experience when they do psychedelics? 126 words How tall are you, and how comfortable is life for your height? 161 words Parents who home-schooled your kids - why? 372 words What was discontinued, but you miss like hell and you wish came back? 167 words People that deal with customers all day, what little things should those customers do to make your workday more enjoyable? 211 words If you're a child of a Karen, did you always know or was there a moment when it hit you? Or do you know of someone who had a Karen as a parent did they realize it and did they agree with the "Karent" or no? 162 words Is Marvel losing your interest in movies and television? Why or why not? 180 words What is stopping you from getting a partner right now? 158 words How is everyone feeling about Donald Trump officially being under arrest ? 133 words What is stopping you from getting a partner right now? 216 words What do you secretly judge people for? 142 words What’s not a cult, but feels like a cult? 359 words What's the wildest dream you're ever had? 484 words What's the wildest dream you're ever had?