289 words [DC] So how does Superman shave with his heat vision if his hair should be just as durable as the rest of his body? 143 words [Fallout 3] Where exactly did the bomb that leveled D.C. fall? 117 words [MCU] In the first Averngers movie, the avengers want to find the Tesseract after Loki stole it. Heimdall has the power to see everything in the universe. Couldn't Thor have asked him where the Tesseract was? Why didn't he do this? 435 words [Warhammer 40k] How well would humanity during the height of the Dark Age of Technology circa 20K fare against all the threats of the 41st millennium? 196 words [DC/Marvel] If someone wanted to put together a team that was willing to use lethal force against supervillains, who would make good recruits? 116 words [The Legend of Korra] How does "platinum" work as an anti-metalbender defense? 162 words [Star Wars] Why didn't both sides of the Clone Wars employ battle droids? they were cheaper than clones so they would've made good supplemental troops 189 words [Fallout] how does an average wastelander handle Bloatflies, Molerats and Radroaches? Are these pests or legitimate threats to the average homesteader? What's the cheapest kind of armor one could expect from tiny, uncoordinated settlements? 166 words [StarCraft] How do Protoss reproduce ? 126 words [General] It's stated that some magical beings cannot lie, honor oaths as the highest priority... but will use half-truths to manipulate mortals. Could you prevent this by making them swear to tell the truth, the WHOLE truth and nothing but the truth? 161 words [Terminator] Why was Skynet so awful at exterminating humans? 159 words [Percy Jackson] Does Christian god exist and did gods of Olympus reacted to the birth of Jesus? 198 words [Spiderman: No Way Home] How do the events of the film affect the other universes? 186 words [Home Alone] How many crimes did Kevin McAllister commit? 208 words [Pop Culture] Why is the "evil Superman" plot become so popular? 215 words [Dune] what is the most likely in-universe explanation of why there is no intelligent alien life other than Humans? 225 words [Red Alert 1-3] How many times has Einstein been eliminated? Once or three times? Was there ever a WW1 or 2 in any of these timelines? Just how many futures are there, including Yuri's? 115 words [DC] Not to get political or anything, but what the FUCK is Granny Goodness? 175 words [Marvel and DC universes] What could cause Wayne Enterprises or Stark Industries to go bankrupt? 140 words [ Marvel, DC The Boys] If Homelander was sent to the Marvel or DC universe would the experience humble him ?