137 words which is better? shave or get a bikini wax? 220 words So far, what was your favorite age to be and why? 366 words How would you feel if simeone approached you on the street saying they think you're cute and ask for your number to hang out later? 171 words Women who are in a relationship, how often do you think about your partner when going solo? 168 words what did you think was completely normal in the relationship untill you discovered it was abusive behaviour? 148 words What were things you experienced in your childhood that you later realized weren’t normal? 172 words Does your SO have full access to your phone and all your various accounts? Why or why not? including social media, bank, email 264 words What was your most humbling moment in life? 246 words Did you go to your 10-year high school reunion? And why did you regret going/not going? 176 words How do you feel about birthdays? Are you offended if your “friends” don’t wish you a happy birthday 222 words How do you generally treat your friends' new significant other when meeting them for the first time? 281 words Ladies, what’s your protocol for leaving after a one night stand? 150 words What are some subtle signs or displays of misogyny in a romantic relationship? 170 words What was ruined because too many people started doing it? 164 words how do you get creeps to stop bothering you? 258 words What made you stop following your dreams? 160 words What "mistakes" have you stopped making in dating? 182 words To people who took back their cheating partners, how did things go? 146 words No Judgment… What are you going through right now? 173 words Honestly, what's the worst thing a parent has done to you?