322 words Social anxiety and Finding Work 233 words Please help us with a competition by simply downloading an app! 145 words I really think I have to be too careful around one of my friends, they are way too easily offended and a bit hurtful. What should I tell them? 206 words [Request] Dog Food, Cat Litter, or Laundry Detergent 279 words Need help (to the tune of $5 dollars) paying for project that aims to publish and maintain a cache of helpful study notes and learning materials online for students preparing for the bar exam in Nigeria. 175 words Homelessness 306 words Mother of two young children, lost my job recently and looking to be saved from homelessness 541 words barely holding on 353 words Remember me, cunts? I'll buy/pay for the first person that has a good story or some shit. 360 words Remember me, cunts? I'll buy/pay for the first person that has a good story or some shit. 498 words [25/M] Advice, I'm totally hopeless. I hope this is the right sub 390 words I'm 25, spinning my wheels in the mud. Can you help? 317 words Click here to support Raising money to fix a home by Darel Hatcher 374 words NYC---I've Run Out of Options.... 316 words Help me understand why I'm such a looser who doesn't deserve any help in life, and should be forced to live the rest of my life in poverty and shame!!! You guys made the verdict I am, so who better to ask why! :D 353 words Help me understand why I'm such a looser who doesn't deserve any help in life, and should be forced to live the rest of my life in poverty and shame!!! You guys made the verdict I am, so who better to ask why! :D 281 words (Aus-Brisbane) I'm 24, seriously ill to the point of causing severe disability, I have huge medical expenses and have just recently become homeless. I feel out of options and I have no idea what to do anymore. 568 words I'm 23 years old with 263 dollars to my name and starting today I'm officially homeless.. 757 words Parents are about to be homeless, and none of us can buy basic things 442 words My Autistic son was abused by his teacher and we are trying to raise money to hire a lawyer. Please help us.