150 words Why Are Colleges So Left-Wing? Or, How Can I Use A Genetic Fallacy To Avoid Addressing My Own Unexamined Privilege And Call People Who Want Equality Regressives? 276 words Thinly veiled justifications for colonialism from none other than r/Catholicism 286 words Normally BadX subs link to a highly uprooted post then give a detailed well sourced explanation about why they're wrong 335 words What if a white person gets beat up by black people? GOTCHA, SJW! 298 words Come get your dingleberries, they are in season and they're most succulent! /r/MensRights, the lowest of low-hanging fruit… the whole thread is quite something, but that comment chain deserves a special mention. 425 words TIL that believing that whites are superior to other ethnic groups isn't racism, and denying a trans person's identity isn't transphobia. 480 words Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins write an open letter to the atheist community and apologize for their poor social science in statements on religious violence, and the furthering of a clash of civilizations narrative. They call for a more nuanced and fair understanding of Islam. 1,063 words "Your "academic field" is basically saying everything is a social construct!!So deep!! Marx would be proud!" 333 words [Meta] Pinker fan, looking for more information 798 words Revised rules in /r/Europe prohibit "suggest[ing] that members of different cultures or races are incapable of cohabiting" and "that some races or cultures are inherently better than others."