320 words AITA for not sending my daughter to a different school district so she could be in gifted education? 180 words AITA for not sending my daughter to a different school district so she could be in gifted education? 198 words OOP's daughter falsely accuses step-mom of physical assault. 152 words OOP's Mother refuses to give back OOP's 9-month old son 133 words (New Update; I'm OOP) My(f17) parents are pulling me out of dance because it's causing dad to "stumble in his walk with God" 175 words "It's Cold Outside, Better Hoagie Down!" OP thinks his wife is gaslighting him 167 words GF wants her little sister to move in with us, I don't want that 121 words AITA for going to my brother bachelor party? 156 words I'm a Sore Loser and I Hate it! 154 words TIFU by letting my niece and nephew use my PSN account, and ruining my girlfriend's holiday. 130 words I (30M) am considering ending my relationship with my partner (26F) due to her $250,000 in debt.. 115 words I (30M) am considering ending my relationship with my partner (26F) due to her $250,000 in debt.. 389 words My (25F) boyfriend (25M) says really mean things to me in his sleep. 146 words AITA for wanted my child to have my last name? 179 words (New Update) My(f24) fiancé(m25) returned an award he was given at work, and he thinks it's the reason he wasn't promoted 217 words AITA for wanting to report my doctor, who is my sister’s best friend, for telling her I'm on Vyvanse, a HIPAA violation? 188 words AITA for making my teens 16M and 14F share a bedroom? 192 words Ex Wife is having a funeral for our daughter's assaulter 203 words I (21m) asked my friend (21f) to be FWB and now she won't talk to me + UPDATE 168 words OP asks if he is the AH for wanting to help his 'golden child' sister at the expense of his other sister.