277 words Any form of spanking is abuse 220 words Does anyone else have severe CPTSD from an unusual thing? 253 words Does anyone have practical advice for cutting corners or life hacks when in an extended period of crisis? 204 words Parents didn't take you to the doctor? 142 words BPD the new hysteria? Lazy, misogynist psychs once again demonizing women 267 words Daily reminder to ungrit your teeth 1,037 words Are any of you actually sober? 259 words We aren't doing "nothing" with our lives, we are dealing with severe trauma/mental illness. 161 words How did you get a boyfriend? 198 words everyone go watch 'everything everywhere all at once' 274 words Please help me learn how to study TW: Physical and emotional abuse 427 words How do you cope when someone gets frustrated with you, cuts the conversation short, and walks away without hearing your perspective? “Stop means stop”, but I can’t stop talking. 127 words [TW: bad touching] Please help. My mother used to bathe me like a baby when I was a teenager and I’m struggling to contextualise it. 160 words No pictures of me as a kid 1,174 words can't survive all this loss 405 words what are some of your "unusual" triggers? if comfortable sharing 163 words The mania of imposter syndrome. 274 words What do you think made you the scapegoat? 196 words DAE feel guilty for not loving your abusive parent/s because they were abused too? 148 words Hey folks. Just need someone to witness me for a moment. Mom called and blew up at me first thing in the morning and I'm feeling so many things. Maybe seeing her words can help you see your parents for who they are too, idk.