226 words I get so angry when l hear "women live life on easy mode" and so many guys seem to believe this 377 words Anyone else here got abused by their older sister/sibling? 129 words Dropped an entire tray of food in front of multiple large parties today, and my brain checked out 152 words Today I decided to take my own life. I want people to know why. 124 words Why is that people saying “I’m sorry that happened to you” make me so uncomfortable?? 310 words A question to CPTSD sufferers who actively date 1,107 words So who else here drifted through most of their life in deep denial about their abuse totally oblivious to the trauma and its effects? 314 words Analyzing the Myth of "False Memories" 533 words All I've ever been and ever will be is a burden 355 words I know this sounds ludicrous, but... is everyone traumatized? 223 words Nightmares of CSA 267 words I have nothing. 258 words Am I the only one who's CPTSD isn't based on any form of physical or sexual assault? 264 words touch aversion advice? 238 words DAE feel like they’re expected to be 100% emotionally mature 24/7, while everyone around them is free to be an asshole? 183 words DAE worry that people who read your posts won't think your trauma was that bad? 412 words I’m deeply ashamed of my past and let it completely define me, would moving away help this? 179 words Why do so many of us worry that we have NPD? 212 words What are the things that people who haven't suffered the type of abuse you did don't understand about experiencing it/recovering from it or the things that they get wrong when talking about it? 284 words In case you need to hear this: Being in contact with your abuser, by choice or otherwise, does not make your trauma any less real or less valid.