186 words This comment got me banned from r/GenderCritical. Apparently pointing out that the criminalization of prostitution has disenfranchised sex trafficking victims and women is anti-feminist. 164 words It really be like that 139 words Hey, I see a lot of posts etc leading me to this subreddit, can someone explain the basic premise of this podcast and the reason for its huge reddit following? Who is it for and where should I start getting into it? 148 words *Deep breath* The original centrist claiming to be left-wing so they can keep attacking the left for becoming spoiled infants that have departed from true leftism 237 words Praising Pinochet is what people who want to praise Hitler but are cowards do 270 words Don’t let right wing scum forget that this is what they want. Fuck the parties. God damn America. 574 words Dems are gonna run Beto in 2020 117 words LATE NIGHT DISCUSSION THREAD 173 words Reminder that if you are against open borders you are consigning millions of people in the third world to death consequence of impending climate doom 123 words AOC is on a roll 164 words "The Choice" 215 words Help with paradoxical chud friend? 131 words Making cool propaganda posters to own the libs 131 words Bonus: Ham Man Bad 268 words Ben Garrison: remember how slavery was a voluntary economic agreement 189 words There are some fucking galactic brained takes on /r/slatestarcodex. (Stolen from /r/sneerclub) 234 words Ben Garrison having a normal one (again) 246 words /r/drama user perfectly pinpoints what's wrong with this sub 104 words [RANT] I unironically believe in free speech. I hate this "freeze speech" meme. Am I alone? 199 words [Discussion] I know that we agree that cops are shit, but what about police dramas? What do you guys think, and do you have any critiques on them in general?