143 words How to use vegan cheese when you're not a fan of the taste? 215 words Whats one of the best chicken dishes to make that includes a crispy, yet savoury and semi-healthy element to it? 205 words Chicken breast is ALWAYS dry 252 words Frozen or thawed raspberries in cake 186 words Does anyone else hate corner cabinet lazy Susan's? 270 words Onion and garlic Sautéing for soup stew etc - aren't the flavours lost after you add sauces spices compared to adding later? 170 words How do restaurants get fully cooked rice that is "dry" and has fully separated grains? 195 words My girlfriend is Vegan, I want to cook her a Valentines day dinner. What are some good recipes or ideas? 215 words Help me cook an easy coconut chicken curry, please. 117 words After years of tough or crunchy beans, I finally figured out the problem 228 words not a cook, not a fussy eater, I'll eat what my wife makes me, but our baked ham last night was saltier than a salt mine. 259 words Sichuan Chilli Oil - to strain or not to strain? 172 words Joshua Weismann’s content has really taken a nose dive in quality 135 words Fun recipes for teaching a kid how to cook? 266 words How do you actually LEARN to cook? 302 words What’re some ways to help my non-vegetarian boyfriend get more protein? 116 words What is a common cooking practice that you disagree with? 349 words How on earth do cooks/chefs remember all the orders that get yelled out 272 words What’s a great way to cook frozen veggies so that they don’t suck? 130 words What kitchen untensil is completely worthless?