157 words I’ve been banned by 5 different subs within an hour because I’m in this sub. 150 words If humans are 300,000 years old but the oldest vaccine is only 226 years old, how have we survived? 440 words She must have been somewhere among the unvaccinated unclean plague rats because the vaccine is safe and effective... 130 words RANT: FOR GOD'S SAKE can someone attempt to explain to me why the Canadian Government won't drop the travel bans on unvaccinated people? 164 words Why do these pro-tyranny nuts all look and act the same? This is the true fringe minority. 108 words Court Rules Against FDA: Orders To Produce Pfizer Vaccine Trial Data Used For Approval At A Rate Of 55,000 Pages Per Month 227 words Not sure I would want my pic over the headline “doctor loses over 100 patients” 154 words Negative attitudes about facemasks during the COVID-19 pandemic: The dual importance of perceived ineffectiveness and psychological reactance. A guide to understanding yourself. 159 words The Truth About ‘Vaccine Passports’: The biggest threat to liberty in generations. 230 words Here are the people with mental problems. 541 words #StayTheFuckHome 124 words New Zealand is so perfect you guys! 162 words LA County Supervisor dines at restaurant hours after voting to ban outdoor dining 166 words Holy shit, Washington State is putting in these new lockdown restrictions TODAY. Do they still honestly think locking down hard will work? 210 words Snitch big brother snitch 169 words OP’s takes delight that their 5 yr old child calls out non mask wearers in public 162 words Why do Redditors think they are experts on everything, especially with COVID-19? Why do they always have to bring up politics and the “muh vaccine” argument? Ugh. 152 words Weekly Discussion Thread - 27 April to 3 May 2020