127 words After putting in 200 hours into Elden Ring I can't stop playing Death Stranding. 328 words Just discovered I had an order open and forgotten... 199 words Leaked photo of Kojima confronting Geoff Backstage for not giving DeathStranding GOTY 200 words [Ending Spoiler] Sorry 303 words What is the game like? 142 words Can someone explain the plot and idea behind Death Stranding? 253 words For those who love Mads Mikkelsen 122 words What do we think about this new “leak” on r/ps5 saying Death Stranding will be announced for late summer very soon? Thoughts? 336 words Kojima just said... 149 words Where is everyone getting 2020 release from ? I know some less then reputible websites have made articles on it but its completely baseless. 204 words Amazon just initiated a void out. 141 words Guys, start telling your relatives to install Twitter 134 words Death Stranding is probably in the last stages of development. 200 words What do you guys think Sam is transporting?! 167 words Following up on the incubator/Dualshock relation, the orange light inside the baby tank is similar to the "charging" light on the DS4. (More tinfoil on that in comments) Also in support of Yong's "touchpad controls the arm" theory, the touchpad dots are on the head of the arm as well 130 words "Soon Kojima will unveil his plans to the world" 163 words Can I please see any posts on this sub that doesn't have anything to do with Silent Hills, P.T. or MGS? 287 words My girlfriend's got it right (I think)